Looking for a Country Gentleman, but Found So Much More!

Preparing for baby girl has me crawling (figuratively of course)through every detail of her arrival. Maybe I fear her wrath should I accidentally expose her to dangers she’s not ready to handle. Like itchy skin caused by the hospitals standard use of disinfecting, cleaning agents followed by their petroleum-based use of Johnson and Johnson’s moisturizer for their care of infants. My radar was up and I was on the hunt for alternatives when up popped Christina’s Blog with the title of her blog post ” The Art of Soap Making“. A divine intervention for sure!! I found myself, via Christina’s post, in Lindy’s kitchen where I met Lindy as she cooked up soap in her kitchen, in her crock pot.
Lindy in her kitchen
No factories, no foreign agents, no chemicals too foreign to enunciate, nothing artificial, she doesn’t even use synthetic fragrance. Just Lindy in her kitchen, with her crock pot and her pure soap making ingredients, simple,real, honest. What really got me was what Christina wrote about how the dog smells like a country gentleman. Who wouldn’t want that?
tater in hat

Since Tater’s last bout with fleas he’s/we’ve had to make do with him smelling like vinegar and dawn dish washing detergent – a tried and true formula for ridding fleas from your beloved pet, but not the best smelling. Now, I thought, he’s a good and faithful dog, he can even strike some pretty regal poses at times. Why shouldn’t he smell gentile and handsome-like, like a country gentleman would. Yes, I got side-tracked from my original soap quest for baby. But not for long. When I contacted Lindy I asked her if she had something she would recommend for baby and she did! My first order was 9 bars of soap.
3 country gentlemen, 1 for Cowboy, 1 for the Natives and 1 for Tater; 1 Vanilla Grapefruit; 1 Cantaloupe; 1 Ginger Lime; 1 American Honey; and 1 China Rain and

1- Plain Jane for Baby Girl. I’m not sure why she calls it Plain Jane, it’s anything but. The scent is soft, not overpowering, innocent and gentle. Perfect for my baby girl! The bar is packed and already it’s scenting our clothes with that “new baby” scent. As for the rest of the soaps – we’re loving them! They lather up thick, and come off clean without leaving any residue behind. What I really love most about them is the lingering scent it leaves on my skin. I read on Christina’s Post that it helped some people with eczema. 3/5 of us have extremely dry skin. Though it’s too soon to tell if we’ve found our panacea, I have noticed a softening in the Natives ‘crocodile skin’. My skin is extremely dry, especially this time of year, and I haven’t had to follow-up my showers with oil AND lotion. My skin is softer and we all smell fabulous! Great Post Christina. Thanks for introducing me to Lindy and her soaps. Lindy, thank you for these wonderful soaps! I do feel they’re made with exceptional care and love – exactly what I’d want to welcome our daughter with.

*If you’re interested in Lindy’s soaps you can find her at Sweet Harvest Homestead

OH Tater! He’s still smelling like vinegar and dawn soap.
Tater wearing his Christmas Duck

I just can’t bring myself to use up one of these bars on him. He likes to dig in the dirt and rolls in the grass on sunny days. I don’t think he’d appreciate smelling like a country gentleman. Poor Tater Shrader. I hope he doesn’t mind.

* This is not an advertisement. Just my personal experience.

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